Drooling Causes and Vet Visits

If you observe your cat drooling, you should probably be concerned about their health because cats don't drool nearly as much as their canine relatives do.

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 Why do cats even drool in the first place? It is possible for a cat to be drooling because they are happy

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It is totally normal for your cat to drool while you are petting them; but, if you notice that your cat drools at other times

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it may suggest that there is a problem. 

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 Find out why your cat is drooling and whether or not this indicates that they need assistance

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 Drooling is a sign of contentment in cats, which may explain why your cat drools when you pet it.

 This may come as a surprise to you, but drooling in cats can be a sign of happiness.

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Petting and scratching are examples of pleasurable stimuli that might bring in excessive salivation.

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