Sagittarius' Ideal Zodiac Partners: It's Compatible

People who were born between the 22nd of November and the 21st of December fall under the zodiac sign of Sagittarius. 

Green Star
Green Star

 This is a portent of raging flames. This sign has an unquenchable thirst for independence and is always on the lookout 

Green Star

r exciting new experiences as well as new doors to open. Sagittarius is fascinated by the diverse ways of thinking held by people of other cultures. 

Green Star

No matter what other people tell them, those born under this sign will always look on the bright side of things.

Green Star

In point of fact, they go out of their way to persuade people to adopt a more optimistic perspective on life

Green Star

 The sign of Sagittarius is associated with knowledge. They begin to wonder about the point of their existence at a young age,

and they have an insatiable want to learn new things. When it comes to life, Sagittarius is always wondering why things happen the way they do

Green Star

They recognize opportunities where others do not, they are not afraid to take risks, and they have a constant need to be stimulated

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Black Star
Black Star