Sun-Moon sextile on June 12 makes zodiac signs luckiest in love. The day's "feel" is that positivity rules and negativity is for idiots.
Fun isn't only 'good times.' Today is creative. Sun sextile Moon brings deeper "fun."
This transit suggests that everything we do today could have positive and long-term implications.
When you set your mind to it, you can create your world precisely how you want it, and during the Sun sextile Moon transit,
You are aware that you could easily destroy your day on June 12, but you chose not to. You feel that you owe yourself a day filled with love and companionship
You will gladly reveal that magnificent aspect of yourself in which you are nothing but compassion and adoration.
During Sun sextile Moon, you have no desire to be egotistical or even the slightest bit demanding, and you simply let everything hang out.
Cancer, consider this day as a sign that life is getting better, because if you've been in a funk, now is your chance to realize that all is not lost