The Maine Coon is a huge breed of cat that can grow to be up to 40 inches in length, and males may frequently weigh in at an astonishing 18 pounds
It is safe to say that there is a lot to adore about this breed, and we mean that very literally
The Maine Coon is large in stature as well as in attitude, and they are famous for their unique outward appearance as well as their outgoing and humorous personalities.
These cats are exceptionally affectionate and loving, and they adore being around their family.
In addition, they are quite obedient and will gladly come when they are called.
But above all else, the Maine Coon has a passion for water. This is one feline fur baby who is perfectly fine to spend hours frolicking around
whether it be splashing around in the sink or taking a relaxing soak in the bathtub.
They are blessed with fur that is partially resistant to water, which enables them to keep both their heat and their dryness.